Disable stream info (in queue) from radio station stream

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Disable stream info (in queue) from radio station stream

Postby mlaky » 01 Feb 2022, 12:15


I'm use RuneAudio for listen radio stations. Radio stations are listed in my M3U playlist. On loading playlist in Queue everything is OK - all radio station have wanted name (obtained trough M3U playlist tag - #EXTINF). But... :lol:

After I chose one radio station for listening - immediately, entry in Queue for that radio station "lose" wanted name (via #EXTINF tag in M3U playlist). Name for this radio station depend on what is this radio station is broadcasting - media info - and it is often very confusinig (e.g. i get "dash" or "null" or something else).

Can I disable this behavior - dynamics change of radio station name (media info) in Queue list?

Best regards,
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Re: Disable stream info (in queue) from radio station stream

Postby lakeuk » 06 Feb 2022, 18:31

Not aware of a way of disabling it, that's how it's supposed to work but certainly here in the UK a lot of the larger radio group have decided to not follow the streaming specification standards in a effort to control how their streams are used by commercial vendors.
(Pi 3, Ver. 0.4b build 20170229, usage m3u radio streams playlists)
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Re: Disable stream info (in queue) from radio station stream

Postby kaileybutler052 » 20 Sep 2022, 15:15

RuneAudio is pretty stable. But sometimes it hangs on hi-res: it digests 96/24 without any problems, but on 192/24 it sometimes stops or even hangs. Not always correctly processes cue files, so some albums are one track. Haven't updated for a long time and many of the internet radios don't work. Control via smartphone or web interface is understandable and convenient. I had no problems with the connection. They work both via USB and I2S interface. It is useless to connect a mouse, touchscreen seems to support it, but I haven't tried it. The device can be connected to a TV or a screen and the same picture will be displayed there as on the smartphone. I built something like a network receiver in the case of a U-101 radio. There's a malinka, a DSP, and an amplifier inside. I put a usb socket on the front for flash drives. I set up wi-fi once and now it works without any problems. You can listen to your flash drive, you can listen from your smartphone, you can listen to internet radio. A small disadvantage is that you need a working wi-fi.

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