[DONE] Disable popup at first browser connection

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

[DONE] Disable popup at first browser connection

Postby LeVolatile » 18 Mar 2015, 23:43


I control Rune Audio sometimes from my Android smart phone but most of the time, I use Firefox under Windows XP. The first time I connected, a message pops-up to ask if I want to install an application to control Rune. For me, it's OK the first time but the problem is that even if I answer "install later", this pop-up continue to appear each time I open the UI on each and every page, no matter if I decline. After a few times, it becoming quite harassing! I prefer to have a tab in Firefox and I am happy with this. A Hit on F11 key in Firefox gives the same result, a full screen UI without menu and button.

I finally installed the application to have the peace but if my Pi IP address change, the message pops again!!! I am NOT willing to install another copy of the application for each IP address. I use DHCP.

This application looks like an Internet Explorer window without menu and button, but the fact is that Rune Audio try to install a Windows executable file that we don't know what it contains and I don't think the source code is available for inspection like other freewares under GPL licence. Anyway, I feel like this application in nothing but useless to me.

My wish is that this application become really optional by popping the message ONE TIME ONLY or be removed from the distribution.

BTW, I would appreciate if someone could tell me what file to edit in order to prevent this pop-up from opening.

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Joined: 16 Mar 2015, 18:50

Re: Disable software suggestion at first browser connection

Postby ACX » 19 Mar 2015, 00:27

Hi LeVolatile,
the issue you are describing has already been fixed. The popup only shows at the first access for every IP.
Are you with the latest version of the RuneUI's code?
A further improvement for your situation could be to reserve a static lease in your router to the Rpi to avoid the change of IP.
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Re: Disable software suggestion at first browser connection

Postby LeVolatile » 21 Mar 2015, 00:07

You're RIGHT. I updated and the pop-up is gone! I also learn how to reserve IPs from my router so I can stay with DHCP and everything is good now.

Thanks a lot for your help!
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Re: Disable software suggestion at first browser connection

Postby ACX » 21 Mar 2015, 14:34

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