Disable "regular output" on GPIO-Pins 10 & 8

Raspberry Pi related support

Disable "regular output" on GPIO-Pins 10 & 8

Postby runaway » 30 Jan 2016, 14:47

I want to use a power switch on my runeaudio-pi. This switch listens on two gpio-pins for the switch status. Since my wolfson audiocard occupies all gpio pins I am limited to using pins 10 & 8 for the switch, which the wolfson card gives acess to on their board. Problem: these pins are normally used for serialbus-infos, (Tx/Rx). These are obviously toggled during boot of the runeaudio system. My question is how to disable the serial port output to pins 8 and 10?
Thanks for the help, Stefan
Posts: 6
Joined: 15 Apr 2015, 15:16

Re: Disable "regular output" on GPIO-Pins 10 & 8

Postby den_hr » 31 Jan 2016, 00:44

Disable serial console:
(disable in /boot/cmdline.txt and in /etc/inittab )

In ArchLinux (RuneAudio), you need to remove references to ttyAMA0 in the file
/boot/config_linux-rune-rpi_3.12.13-rt21_wosa.txt (for Wolfson Audio Card)
and issue the following command:
systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
systemctl disable agetty@ttyAMA0.service
And then reboot: to see whether it worked, use the following command:
cat /proc/cmdline [ | grep ttyAMA0]
- it should not return/find anything, meaning the procedure worked, and then you can use your serial link (Tx/Rx pins) as you like.

= this is what I did on my RPi + Wolfson system, where I use GPIO14 and GPIO15
Posts: 52
Joined: 06 Feb 2015, 17:10
Location: Croatia

Re: Disable "regular output" on GPIO-Pins 10 & 8

Postby runaway » 18 Feb 2016, 20:07

Awesome, thx! Will try it.
Posts: 6
Joined: 15 Apr 2015, 15:16

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