Raspberry Pi related support


Postby gearhead » 14 Apr 2015, 17:34


I built a DAC board which can use the PCM 5122/5102. Parts from Digikey, boards form OshPark. Boards are about $30.00 US for 3 boards and the components are what they cost from Digikey. I'm considering releasing this design into the wild. Is there interest in DIY around here? It was pretty easy to lay it out. It is all listed on the spec sheet for the PCM5122/5102. It is an either /or as they are pin compatible up to the last 8 pins. I had some of both and wanted to use them all. It is all SMD with through hole connectors.

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Re: DIY DAC HAT board

Postby ACX » 14 Apr 2015, 23:44

Hi Keith,
I'm sure this will interest somebody (there are many DIYers in the forum), so please post some details about it.
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Re: DIY DAC HAT board

Postby gearhead » 29 Jun 2015, 19:54

I have successfully built and run this board on multiple Pis (B+ and 2). The DAC is a PCM5122 and it does have hardware volume control. You have to set it up as an IQAudiO DAC+ and it will work. It is the same as on the HiFiBerry DAC+ but they use a different I2C address.

It is all SMD with the exception of the plugs/headers.

3 boards from OSH Park are 30.00. It is about 35.00 in parts from Digikey.

PM me if there is interest.
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Re: DIY DAC HAT board

Postby gearhead » 27 Jul 2015, 22:56

I finally got around to updating this... I've made 6 of these boards 3 - V1 and 3 - V2. The V3 has correct polarity on the RCA jacks but no other changes form V2.

Personal use only. Noncommercial use.

Please let me know if you build one of these.

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Re: DIY DAC HAT board

Postby Velociraptor » 01 Aug 2015, 17:10

could one use this also for an RPi 1 =?

Or could you modify the HAT for this purpose?
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Re: DIY DAC HAT board

Postby mashman » 02 Aug 2015, 10:13

Hi GearHead,

I reckon that a non-SMD(through hole) version of this would be the way to go. Unfortunately the PCM5122 only comes in TSSOP from what i can see so i'm not sure if there is a way around this.
If it could be made more kit friendly, it would be easier to experiment with and wouldn't require a high level of solder skill. The parts may be a tad more pricey but less room for error.

Just a thought. Apart from that, sounds like a really cool starting point for DAC hacking (is that even a thing?).

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Re: DIY DAC HAT board

Postby gswg » 10 Aug 2015, 18:45

Hi Gearhead - Let me provide you with my paypal address and you can pay each time you use the IQaudio drivers :-) LOL!

For those with limited soldering skills, for a limited time, we have a 10% discount on products at for all customers. Select the Summer2015 voucher at the checkout.
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Re: DIY DAC HAT board

Postby gearhead » 25 Mar 2017, 17:18

I'm Updating this DAC board to use precision oscillators. I have not decided, yet, which frequencies to use, yet. Pretty dependent on which freqs are available. If there is interest let me know and I'll open up the link to purchase boards. I hand soldered these with a magnifier visor. A bit tedious, but not too bad.

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