I am using the 29022017 version.
I am a new user.
1. I am not able to get DSD64 files to play although I had enabled it in the MPD setting. FLAC play just fine.
ps. The same DSD files play fine in Volumio.
I am using the IQAudio DAC pro card.
2. I tried to update runeaudio but I only see it flashes but nothing happens. Is it because I need to enable port 6000 on my router?
Tried the manual way but I got the below:
[root@runeaudio ~]# cd /var/www
[root@runeaudio www]# git pull
Updating 71f5236..836ec22
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:
Please move or remove them before you can merge.
3. I like runeaudio that it uses a lot less ram then Volumio. Are there any tweaks to lower the RPI3 temp as it is running 60+ C playing FLAC.
4. Runeaudio mistook my RPi3 as RPI2. Not sure what is the actual effect.