DSD(fixed) and HW Volume Problems

Raspberry Pi related support

DSD(fixed) and HW Volume Problems

Postby booji » 09 Jun 2015, 20:32

Firstly I'd like to say thanks for such a great product. The sound quality is very good though my system and its given a new lease of life to spotify.

Now for the moaney bit. Having discovered Volumio a little over 3 weeks ago and put on my Pi2 I found it very slow to respond when updating nas shares, now that I've found Rune all that ha changed. Rune is much better and twice as quick. My only problem is that I discovered DSD playback and after listening to them fine in volumio they don't seem to work in rune. I have a Cyrus 8DAC QX (integrated amp with QX DAC). I have been told that it uses a SRC4190i upsampler and PCM1798 Dac. I would have liked the hardware volume to work as well but never got it working but its no big deal as I just use the amp remote control. i did not have to enable DSD over PCM in Volumio. I have tried to stream from a nas mount and usb but still no joy. The interface identifies the DSD stream and load the track artwork but just pauses.

I have enclosed the debug file so if anyone can help I would be overjoyed.

EDIT: Found out DSD audio plays if set to "dissabled" (I assume enabled must be PCM wrapped then)

Now for the Hardware volume, if someone could find out a way of it working then all my problems are solved.

Debug in 2 parts as over 6000 Chars

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Joined: 08 Jun 2015, 21:01

Re: DSD(fixed) and HW Volume Problems

Postby hondagx35 » 09 Jun 2015, 21:18

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Re: DSD(not fixed) and HW Volume Problems

Postby booji » 10 Jun 2015, 21:08

My when I set the DSD option on volumio it seemed to play (when enabling the DSD option on). If setting DSD Support to "disabled" in Rune converts DSD to PCM then I have not fixed the problem after all. In that case can somebody help.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2015, 21:01

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