[SOLVED] Fiio E10 DAC not being recognized

Raspberry Pi related support

[SOLVED] Fiio E10 DAC not being recognized

Postby furious_styles » 10 Feb 2014, 19:27


I just installed the 0.2 beta software on my rPi and it works pretty well except it doesn't use the USB DAC. No audio comes out of my headphones when they're plugged into the DAC but if I plug them into the line out of the rPi I can hear the audio fine. Is there a special way to set up the USB DAC or should the RuneAudio software automatically recognize it? I can't seem to locate any setup instructions so I apologize if this is a dumb question. I am very new to this software but I really love the idea/potential and any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Fiio E10 DAC not being recognized

Postby ACX » 10 Feb 2014, 22:23

Does your device appear in the dropdown menu of selectable output interfaces under MENU > Settings?
If not, I'm afraid there is some driver problem... Have you ever tried to make it work in other Linux distributions before?
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Re: Fiio E10 DAC not being recognized

Postby furious_styles » 10 Feb 2014, 22:56

Thanks for the reply, Under Menu>Settings I don't see anything corresponding to Output devices. There's no section that lists anything of the sort.


So In the MPD settings I now have a dropdown for the USB audio, it was definitely not there before, not sure what happened. All is good now, I'm listening through the DAC and it sounds great. Thanks so much for the help and keep up the great work!
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Re: Fiio E10 DAC not being recognized

Postby ACX » 10 Feb 2014, 23:29

Good! Welcome to the RuneAudio club then :)
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