by foxint » 26 May 2016, 11:24
Hi Frank
Thank you for the question.
I think the real issue is the audio from the PC. I want to be able to switch between the PC audio and the Pi Audio.
I suppose I could get a longer Cat 6 cable. But at the moment the Pi and the PC are in the same place. When I workout how to increase the PC (Media Monekey) out put to more then 44.1 I will the coaxial/optial problem
My DAC - Max USB is 44.1/Optical 96 kHz/Coaxial 192 kHz.....those annoying 192 kHz flac files.
The RCA cable works well, but the PC has a Optical out and the DAC does not have a remote input changer....
More problems. Yes they are caused by me and my setup.
Now I have proved the Rune is #1 I will have to come to some solution with the other audio, especially watching movies...
If you have any suggestions I would be very happy to listen and LEARN.
Thank you