If you are getting the following errors when trying to mount a Windows 7 share manually from ssh root@runeaudio then try the fix procedures below.
Example: mount -t cifs //192/168.1.21/Repository/Audio/Test /mnt/MUSIC -o username=john,password=doe
(1) “mount error(12) Cannot allocate memory” on the Linux box
(2) “srv nonpaged pool error 2017” on the Windows 7 box
Fix procedure:
On the Windows 7 box set the following two registry values then restart the box. These values cause the Windows 7 server service to allocate resources appropriate for file serving.
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\LargeSystemCache=1
Example: mount -t cifs //192/168.1.21/Repository/Audio/Test /mnt/MUSIC -o username=john,password=doe;
- Note the semicolon in the password
You get “mount error(13): Permission denied”
This can be caused by a password that has characters that are parsed as delimiters or other special command characters instead of part of the password. For example the semicolon,
The fix is to enclose the password in single quotes.