FLAC and mp3 meta tag interpretation

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FLAC and mp3 meta tag interpretation

Postby Grundgütiger » 03 Dec 2015, 20:46


new to RuneAudio (got it started just a couple of minutes ago on a Raspberry Pi) I am wondering which meta tags of FLAC and mp3 files are read and interpreted by RuneAudio.

I am a bit picky about sorting my music files which are well tagged to my needs. For over a year now I am looking for an easy way to play my music files, including a good music files management. I owned a couple of media servers and players with very questionable music managing abilities (mostely the reason why I gave them back) including high end material like a Naim Unitiserve (still have it). Even at Naim they don't really care about managing music files.

Anyway: I would like to sort albums by year, artists by their last name and bands without an article. As I think that it could be difficult to code all those requests, it propably would be easier to use metatags like ALBUMSORT, ARTISTSORT or alike to get the same resut. So, propably such interpretation of specific metatags exists already which would be great to know.


Re: FLAC and mp3 meta tag interpretation

Postby Grundgütiger » 13 Dec 2015, 10:38

Nobody interested in how to properly sort music files so you can find what you're looking for because it's where it should be? :shock:

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