flac streaming issue

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flac streaming issue

Postby smesser » 08 Dec 2016, 06:22

This is not specifically a Rune issue but I was hoping for some insight.

I have a Raspberry PI 2 and a HIFIBerry Dac+
I can play flac files from a network mount.
Before I installed Windows 10 I could "Play To" a flac file to my Rune device and it played fine.

Windows 10: Now when I "Cast To Device" a flac file to my Pi it just hangs trying to connect to it.
MP3's work just fine.

Anyone have any experience with this issue?
Posts: 1
Joined: 08 Dec 2016, 06:14

Re: flac streaming issue

Postby MuseChaser » 17 Feb 2017, 00:02

Not to doubt you, but are you SURE you were able to use the "Play To.." function with a flac file? I use Win7 and in my experience and based upon some quickie research I did, Windows supports "Play to.." for mp3 files, but not flacs. The "Play To" option shows up when I right click mp3 files, but not when I right-click flacs. Now you've got ME curious again..
Posts: 32
Joined: 30 Apr 2016, 15:07

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