Fork or not fork

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Fork or not fork

Postby olafkewl » 02 Feb 2014, 22:20


First of all, I'd like to send you all my thanks for your great job but I have a question.
I did not see any references to the project (formerly known as Raspyfi) whereas, all your project seems to be a fork of it. They are a lot of similar aspects such as the supported devices, the WebUI or even your website that looks exactly the same.
For sure the GNU/GPL license allow you to do this, but a reference to the original project would have been great also, don't you think ?

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Joined: 02 Feb 2014, 22:15

Re: Fork or not fork

Postby ACX » 03 Feb 2014, 01:05

Hi olafkewl, after many questions about the same subject I decided to write a post with the purpose to make things clear:
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