Generic Band/Artist Image Displayed Instead of Cover Art

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Generic Band/Artist Image Displayed Instead of Cover Art

Postby vulpespersona » 09 Jul 2016, 17:50

Im running the current version of Rune Audio on a Raspberry Pi 2 [v0.3-beta (23/03/2016)] and it seems like my imbedded cover art no longer displays consistently. Over the course of the past few weeks I've noticed album art being replaced by a black and white image of the artist associated with the track on the 'Playback' tab. This is on my laptop web browser and mobile device.

Not sure why this is occurring? I've never loaded these images and it loads on tracks that already have artwork imbedded. I have 'Display Album Art' switched on in settings. Is this a feature of MPD to link to a generic artist jpg? I feel like in the 6-7 months I've used Rune it has shown album art, now its switched to doing this. Is there a settings tab or code i can use to display album art instead.

I did recently reinstall the software from a previous version of Rune, but I'd noticed these artist jpgs previous to the software update.

I can start to survey to get some additional info on what tracks this occurs on, right now it seems to be on a mix of AIFF, mp3, and other files.

Any thoughts? if not I'd like to request that Rune default to imbedded art, not generic images in future builds.
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Re: Generic Band/Artist Image Displayed Instead of Cover Art

Postby hondagx35 » 09 Jul 2016, 20:43

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Re: Generic Band/Artist Image Displayed Instead of Cover Art

Postby albert6720 » 20 Jul 2016, 17:25

Why not you make a cover art that have information regarding Band, Artist info rather than any photo.
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Re: Generic Band/Artist Image Displayed Instead of Cover Art

Postby Tom2112 » 21 Nov 2016, 20:34

Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I am having the same problem with many of my MP3 files. At first I didn't notice, because not all of my collection has embedded album art. But some of the songs I know have embedded art, and RuneAudio was showing artists images from LastFM. I double-checked a couple files where it did this, and sure enough there was embedded art in the MP3. So why didn't RuneAudio show it?

Does it matter what version of ID3 tags are used? Does it matter if there are multiple versions embedded (ID3 tags, not art)?
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