Getting files from MacBook

Raspberry Pi related support

Getting files from MacBook

Postby cmh714 » 01 Sep 2014, 18:29

Alright I have tried everything and anything I can find to make this work via anyway possible and so far have had no luck. And yes I have searched here and at volumio and everywhere in between. My USB is NTFS so on the Mac (and Pi) its a fuse based filesystem.

I want to keep my USB drive attached to the Mac instead of directly to the Pi. I have not been able to make cifs/smb work at all. I even tried as a test to get to a Mac folder on the Mac and couldnt make that work either. The ONLY thing I got working was to make the folder on the Mac visible via NFS and that works, albeit its not the fastest stream. The problem with NFS is it does NOT work for fuseosx on the Mac.

I just tested sshfs and that seems to work as far as I can login and see my just need to figure out how to get it in the UI....and then how to make it use keys, etc.

Help always appreciated :)
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Joined: 04 May 2014, 03:06

Re: Getting files from MacBook

Postby wick » 01 Sep 2014, 22:24

I have all my files on a usb connected to a mac mini, and i have got nfs to work just fine with both rune 0.2 and the new r-pi rune 0.3.
This external usb holds all my iTunes music, in the 'ITunes media' folder.

I have not yet tried the cifs/smb, since nfs seems to be all I need. The functionality is just great: mpd can pull all my alac files and grab the album images from the iTunes files, what I consider to be a remarkable achievement, given that Logitech/Squeezebox never managed this (though of course Apple's TV box can). So, if this is all the functionality you need, I would suggest just using an NFS mount.

There are some little twists to get nfs working properly on the mac. Open a Terminal window for the following:
1. Make sure the nfs daemon is running, via:
sudo nfsd start

The system should respond:
Starting the nfsd service

This isn't on by default, so you need to do this. Setting it to start like this will make it start on reboot, also;
it can be halted permanently via

sudo nfsd disable

So if you want to bring it down only temporarily:

sudo nfsd stop

2. The /etc/exports file must be edited properly to include the name of the filesystem attached to the mac that you want to be visible to the r-pi/linux box. So, you must edit this file to include a line like the following. (if the file does not exist use 'touch' or your editor, etc. to create it.)

/Volumes/music -ro -mapall=nobody -network 192.168.1 -mask

Note that one uses the mac scheme that prefaces externally mounted volumes with /Volume. I have made it read-only via ro, and if you have a different local network that must be changed to fit.

3. If you have done this properly, then from the Terminal window:

showmount -e

should print back a list of exported filesystems, e.g., in my case, where there is an external usb volume called 'music' which holds all the iTunes music, it prints this:

exports list on localhost:

4. The rest of what you must do is on the Rune gui side: under 'Sources' you must add an nfs mount, select /Volumes/music as the music source, the IP address of the MAc, and, at least for me, I like to increase the default read blksize from 1K to something over 2K, and buffer 10% of the music, but these last details aren't required to do the NFS mount. If all goes well, when you apply the settings, the GUI will give you a green check mark and MPD should start building its db for the music. So, let it spin along until the Library panel is back, and you then ought to be able to browse (or search) the /Volumes/music folder.

If this doesn't work for you, I'd be interested in tracking down why.
Hope this helps!
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Joined: 23 Jul 2014, 00:26

Re: Getting files from MacBook

Postby cmh714 » 01 Sep 2014, 22:33

I appreciate the thoughful post, but its because osxfusefs isnt NFS exportable....
this is in my Mac Console:
9/1/14 9:48:57.807 AM nfsd[266]: exports:9: kernel export registration failed: NFS exporting not supported by fstype "osxfusefs" (fh)
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Joined: 04 May 2014, 03:06

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