getting song cover art and webradio logo

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getting song cover art and webradio logo

Postby skycamel » 19 Apr 2021, 10:38

quick introduction;
I'm totally new to this but I do have some experience with Kodi and with linux.
As I hated the sound produced by Kodi (for music) I start looking for an alternative.
First step was swapping my usb digi board (cheap ebay) with a Justboost Digi Hat. (RPI 3B)
From Justboost I was referred (among others) to Runeaudio, so here I am.
I started out with version 04-beta and that was working great, UI and sound.(no issues during install whatsoever)
I noticed there was a more "evolved" version namely rAudio-1.
I installed that, had some hurdles (smb, UI) but all in all worked out fine in the end.

One of the issues at hand;
When playing webradio (France Music, Fip, Radio Paradise) not only I see their respective logo's,
I also get the cover art of the song playing and that's just great, love it!
However, when I play any of my added radio station I neither get the station logo, nor the cover art of the song playing
even when the title show in the "play UI" I tried with several stations, always the same problem. I get this VU meter instead.
Any idea's how I can fix that?
Also, my last.FM logon always fails, even when my credentials at the website just works fine (I don't have a pro account)
Any help would be much appreciated
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Re: getting song cover art and webradio logo

Postby rern » 21 Apr 2021, 05:05

Hi Luc,

WebRadio streams normally contain no coverart data.
France Music, Fip and Radio Paradise provide metadata and coverarts by their own s.
For other stations, if the current playing song was found in database, rAudio would get the coverart if available with an API for

There's an issue with the scrobbler which run by . Waiting for a fix.

Last edited by rern on 21 Apr 2021, 08:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: getting song cover art and webradio logo

Postby skycamel » 21 Apr 2021, 07:31

Hi @rern,
thanks for clarifying this.
I suppose that getting the error " login failed" is part of the issue with mdpscribble?
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Re: getting song cover art and webradio logo

Postby rern » 22 Apr 2021, 03:36

rAudio @
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Re: getting song cover art and webradio logo

Postby skycamel » 22 Apr 2021, 10:04

That fix it, thanks!
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Re: getting song cover art and webradio logo

Postby jolarame » 16 Sep 2022, 13:24

having reinstalled runeaudio on same hardware, looks like I've lost song cover art for FIP radio especially (only logo of the web radio is displayed).
It was working before I reinstalled and it is avaialble for some other web radios.
is there anything I would have missed ?
i was not able to generate debug info as I have no Debug option in the menu. (any chance to generate debug info from command prompt through ssh ?)
Thanks in advance
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