Hi janui,
so i updated my RPi to RuneAudio_rpi_0.3-beta_20141029_2GB.img because the other file was too big for my sdcard. After i installed everything everythink works fine. Last week i pluged off the power from the Pi because i was in holiday so i thought put it off so it does not consums power.
Today my Rpi is unreachable via Network and after plugging it to my Television i count 4/5 FAILED Messages:
Two of them i could read....:
Failed to load Kernel moduls and mDNS avahi DNS Stack.... sorry but the bootloader is to fast for my eyes
Would like to post the complete bootup log... but can anyone say where to find it? i tried from the internet /var/log/syslog and i tried shift+bild up/bild down