Global random - How to get it working

Raspberry Pi related support

Global random - How to get it working

Postby scrEAm » 22 Aug 2019, 13:33

Hi all,

I'm running v0.3-beta on a Raspberry Pi 3 and I've been trying to get the following setup working: a random/shuffle play of my music which is stored on a NAS in multiple folders (genre grouping; Music/Rock - Music/Jazz - etc.).
- I've mounted the network location, after which the subfolders (genre folders) get listed with their content.
- I'm able to queue the songs or folders and have them be played, but loading too many songs in the queue has proven limited and slows the application down.
- I've discovered the Global random feature, but don't seem to be able to get it working as I interpret it should work.

I think what I'm looking for is using the Global random feature, but I'd like clarity on how to set it up properly:
- Can it work with a network mount with subfolders and would it take songs from the different subfolders, or can it only work with one folder from which it randomly picks a song?
- Should I start with an empty queue to get it working?
- Are songs picked up by the Global random function, added to the queue and then removed?
- Does the Global random function stay active, also after reboots?
- Can the setup be done so that the music starts playing automatically when the Raspberry Pi is powered up, removing the need to open up the GUI/app?

Thanks in advance for your support.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2019, 13:19

Re: Global random - How to get it working

Postby janui » 29 Aug 2019, 11:49

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