by elangelo » 16 Dec 2014, 08:07
I used to use an audio player on linux that did something like this. As far as i understood what track.getSimilar() does is give you a number (10 or limit) of tracks that are like the one you are running now. What that player did then was search your library for these songs. If it couldn't find any tracks it would either use the previous song in your queue or it would use api artist.getSimilar() and choose a random track from that artist. It worked amazingly well for quite a while and the moment you feel like the tracks are getting off track (pun intended) you would just queue a new song that you do think is similar and the player would start from there.
There must have been some logic to prevent it from queueing the same track twice but i never read the code so i'm not entirely sure.
I'm not sure how usefull this is for other ppl but it did work remarkably well for me, while i don't have that big library. I'm also not sure how far you are with Spotify integration but it might be usefull there too?
If you tell where you think it should fit into the code (the backend, not the preference setting or gui) i wouldn't mind trying to implement something myself and then you can see what you can do with the code.