BTW, today I managed to set up LIRC and the same TSOP IR sensor and a remote control I have at hand fairly quickly in Volumio (although not without hiccups!) - took me some revisiting of web resources regarding Lirc...
What matters is that now I'm sure that the IR receiver (sensor) works, and that the wiring is OK
(Last year I managed to burn one IR sensor by wiring it to RasPi incorrectly - luckily I damaged only the IR sensor, and not the RasPi!)
I'd much prefer to use RuneAudio: the UI is much quicker, the OS boots very fast, and I generally prefer it to Volumio.... But, I'm at a total loss in Arch Linux architecture and config files.
So, if anyone can shed any light on how to go about setting up IR sensor using Lirc in RuneAudio, I'd appreciate it very much...