Gradual and more natural change of volume

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby BorGreiner » 30 Nov 2014, 21:59

Changing the (digital) volume on RuneAudio can be a "turn and get shocked" experience. I suggest that if we implement a more gradual volume change that would sound more natural.

For example if you change volume from "5" to "50" on a receiver, you have to turn the knob and you never do it with one quick move, I mean you don't jump but mathematicaly this is more like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ... 50 volume change.

So I suggest in order to achieve more natural volume changing, is it possible that while you keep dial (holding down the finger on touch screen or keeping mouse button pressed) the volume changes as values change? That would make the volume transition sound more natural.

You can still just single click at value 70 if you want to get shocked. But I envision that most people of people would like to turn the dial slowly... :)
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby ACX » 30 Nov 2014, 23:02

Hi BorGreiner,
this has been already discussed and it's already on our roadmap:
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby ACX » 30 Nov 2014, 23:40

Uhm sorry, I read your post too quickly :)
I already thought about a more progressive way to control the volume, but through the [-] and [+] buttons, in the same way you control the volume of the TV wit your remote, for example. That's something we want to introduce in the future.
But about the knob control... that's build to work in that way, if you click on a value it will instantly change your volume to that. I personally won't like a delay between the click and the final volume level with a smooth change in the middle...
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby BorGreiner » 12 Dec 2014, 20:17

Well... It is just a thought. Maybe make it a setting or make a small default delay. It is just a idea I had. + - buttons will work same way too and are less complicated to do I guess. :)
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby kataclysm » 11 Aug 2015, 23:27

I'd like to register my agreement with BorGreiner. The volume dial in the GUI looks like a dial you should be able to keep your finger on and turn, but the volume does not actually change as you slide your finger along the dial. It only changes when you remove your finger. This means you have to take a "guess and hope" approach, and you can end up getting blasted with high volume if you guess wrong. I tried Volumio's volume controls and I like them much better since they give you immediate feedback--they change the volume in real-time so that you can gradually find the right level. Volumio does not have good playlist support, however, so I'd like to stay with Rune if I can. Is there seriously no setting to allow for real-time implementation of volume change via the GUI dial?
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby anfuca » 12 Aug 2015, 11:36

I'm agree... It should be great if the volume changes at the same time that your finger/mouse is turning/going up or down.
The way that is right now implemented, you have to guess what would be the correct volume you want.
At the car radio, television, etc., you up and down volume. You see the numbers, but it just a reference. Your real reference is what you hear, not the number ;)
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby hondagx35 » 13 Aug 2015, 17:49

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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby kataclysm » 13 Aug 2015, 23:44

Great! I will try the update tonight.
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby kataclysm » 14 Aug 2015, 19:40

Installed the update this morning. Now when I move my finger along the dial, I get no feedback about the sound level (as before), but when I lift my finger, the volume gradually increases to the level that corresponds to where I lifted my finger. Basically this does not give the real-time feedback that is needed, but it does approach a solution to the problem of the getting-blasted, since I guess if you take your finger off and you hear the level gradually increasing, you can tap a new (lower) volume before the level reaches the one where your finger left.
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Re: Gradual and more natural change of volume

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Aug 2015, 20:57

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