Greetings from a new Runeaudio user

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Greetings from a new Runeaudio user

Postby jerlad » 29 Jan 2015, 07:27


My name is Jerald and I reside in California.

I came across RuneAudio just a few days ago because I backed the Kickstarter campaign for the Durio Sound card, which I've attached to a Raspbery Pi B+. You can find this card at

The card type selected in Runeaudio is HiFiBerry DAC and it is working fairly well.

This is what I also have in my collection with which to playback digital audio:

Audioquest Dragonfly v1.0
GeekOut 1000
Pono Player

Nothing on that list compares to the value of this little piece of Pi!

Sure, I can compare the differences in the sound from one to the other, but they are all quite enjoyable. The GeekOut 1000 easily trumps the Dragonfly when connected to my Macbook Pro. For on the go listening to music, the PonoPlayer blows away any Apple iPod and is right up there with other high quality music players. But these call cost $$$ and I would easily pitch the quality of this Pi setup to anyone who likes audio and likes to get inside the box.

Right now, I am comparing RuneAudio and the Durio Sound card to the Pono Player. I've chosen to go direct without volume control and I've adjusted the volume of the Pono Player to match the output of the Durio. The Pono Player can easily power my HiFiMan HE-400s where I think I need to power the Durio Sound directly rather than have it get power through the CPIO connection on the Pi B+

I first tried streaming audio from my NAS, but isn't always smooth, even with an ethernet connection. So right now, I am evaluating with a USB stick with some favorite tracks in all different resolutions up to 192/24. That is one difference between the Durio and the other devices. The GeekOut goes up to 384/32 and can also handle DSD files. So can the Pono.

Posts: 4
Joined: 29 Jan 2015, 06:30

Re: Greetings from a new Runeaudio user

Postby ACX » 01 Feb 2015, 01:48

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