Grundig Majestic Setup

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Grundig Majestic Setup

Postby Oz. » 23 Feb 2016, 05:47

Hello all

I've been enjoying RuneAudio on this setup for the past month or so. New to Linux and audio and vintage electronics restoration.. its been a fun project! The Grundig was found at the dump. I've replaced 95% of the caps (some just aren't accessible) and changed out dead EL84 and 12AX7 tubes. Still has a bit more work to be done but when working the sound is far better than anything I've owned before.

NAS -> Pi2 WiFi -> DurioSound Pro -> 1958 Grundig Majestic SO132C
20160124_195104.jpg (237.17 KiB) Viewed 4967 times
Last edited by Oz. on 27 Feb 2016, 18:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grundig Majestic Setup

Postby ACX » 24 Feb 2016, 01:03

Hi Oz., well done :) Please share with us some pictures of the final result when it's ready.
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Re: Grundig Majestic Setup

Postby surfninja » 24 Feb 2016, 19:45

those old Grundig receivers can sound pretty good. Kind of complex but they are made in Germany.

You might want to check the plate resistors too. I recall the output plate resistors like to drift.
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Re: Grundig Majestic Setup

Postby Oz. » 27 Feb 2016, 18:56

Quick photo added, I will include some detailed and better quality shots when I have a bit more time.

I'm having trouble tracking down a schematic but thanks for the tip on the plate resistors. The sound is clear and full but the bass can be a bit heavy/strong. So far I've just stuck to replacing caps and tubes, cleaning pots, switches etc. Point to point wiring built in layers can make accessing parts difficult..

I've also briefly used a HiFiBerry DAC+ while waiting for the Durio to ship. Difficult to compare the two as the Grundig wasn't in great condition but the Durio seems to be giving good performance despite the cheap wall wart power supply.
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Re: Grundig Majestic Setup

Postby surfninja » 01 Mar 2016, 20:32

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Re: Grundig Majestic Setup

Postby asilker » 24 Sep 2017, 21:34

nice looking unit. I've got a Telefunken tabletop am/fm/shortwave that sounds pretty neat. These units have a lot of personality :D
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