Hardware shutdown of the PI

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Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby schapup » 29 Aug 2014, 21:26

Dear all,

I'm running rune audio since some weeks, the latest Alpha since yesterday and I'm totally happy. :D
Especially the web radio support was my missing feature to use rune audio as my default music device at home.

To build may final device, I have some questions, maybe others are also interested in:

- Do I damage the image on the SD card if I just power off the device without a proper shut down?

- Is it possible to shut down the PI externally? Are you monitoring some of the inputs to shutdown the device if a connected button is pressed? The final rune audio player should be possible to shutdown without any browser access, because 80% of the time web radio will be played and my wife and kids should be able to switch on and off without a tablet or smartphone.

- Auto start of preferred playlist or radio station: I would like to start automatically my favorite radio station when powering up the PI, how can I realize this?

Thank you for your help. :)
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Re: Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby cmh714 » 29 Aug 2014, 21:50

1. if there is a write going to the card when it goes off, you could end up corrupted
2. this should be technically do-able, but I'll let others chime in here.
3. If you leave the station playing or paused (not stopped), when you poweroff, it will restart when you start back up automatically. same for queued songs from a USB, I assume NAS as well but dont have that setup.
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Re: Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby spacemonkeyuk » 30 Aug 2014, 00:06

i use a ATXRaspi to perform a controlled shutdown

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Re: Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby Midnight » 30 Aug 2014, 10:43

I power my Runeaudios just off. It's not 100 % bullet proof, but usually it works. Pressing a shutdown button waiting 15 seconds and pressing a powwer off button is a horrible user experience, too ;)
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Re: Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby johnbanks » 30 Aug 2014, 19:29

My RPi + Wolfson burns 4 watts so I just leave it powered on.
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Re: Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby schapup » 31 Aug 2014, 17:03

Thank you for your replies. :)

1. I thought the Image is read only, but the database and settings has to be stored some where. ;)

2. I found some scripts in combination with external HW to shut down and start the PI, also the ATXRaspi seems to work this way. Thank you for the link to this controller.

3. I would like to play on every start up the same radio station, can this be done with a start up script? The device has to have the possibility to shut down externally.

Thank you for your help, please note I just have some basic knowledge with Linux, I'm not an expert. :cry:

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Re: Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby ACX » 31 Aug 2014, 17:49

Making the OS partition readonly is something we want to do in the future, in a more advanced stage of development.
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Re: Hardware shutdown of the PI

Postby schapup » 01 Sep 2014, 15:50

Cool, I'm looking forward for this feature. :)
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