HDD format

Cubietruck related support

HDD format

Postby floyd » 31 May 2015, 06:57

Hi gang,

firstly, thanks so much for your amazing work with this software. great stuff

Yesterday I got 0.3 running on my new cubietruck. I have a 2.5 hdd installed via the cubies sata connection.

What disk format do you recommend for this application? I had it running fine with fat32 but thought ext4 would work better....but I cant get the ext4 to show up in runeUI's source page.....


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Re: HDD format

Postby hondagx35 » 31 May 2015, 23:05

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Re: HDD format

Postby floyd » 01 Jun 2015, 22:13

Thanks a lot Frank.

The UUID tip is a great one.

I used the terminal commands to mount the disk and also added it to fstab with both fat32 and ext4 formatted drives, connected to the sata port. (This was before you recommended it btw)

Neither drive shows anywhere in 'sources' but once ive mounted it and refresh the mpd library the fat32 drive would then display all its content in the 'Library' but the ext4 formatted drive never would.

Perhaps Ill try again with the ext4 but with the uuid like you suggest.....

NB. Fat32 is working well so far. But it would be convenient to be able to transfer files over wlan to the cibietruck's hdd - and in macosx I can not d that. The drive shows as only having 198mb remaining - and I have read this is an artefact of fat32. Interestingly, linux mint allows me to copy files to the drive regardless of the fact it shows as not having enough free space.


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Re: HDD format

Postby JeffD » 26 Oct 2015, 22:22

Hi Frank,

Ext4 is the way to go to copy files over the Ethernet? Or can I achieve the same with ntfs?

Regards Jeff
Posts: 19
Joined: 30 Jan 2015, 23:30

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