Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby hondagx35 » 30 Apr 2016, 17:50

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby MuseChaser » 30 Apr 2016, 18:06

Beautiful! I'll keep hammering away at it and try not to bug you with too many stupid questions. If I do, I'll try to keep them clear and one at a time.

Thanks so much, Frank!

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby PeteB » 30 Apr 2016, 20:08

Hi Barry,

and welcome to the forum, :)

I have been using a RuneAudio player, "headless", on WiFi, for about 4 months. My WiFi is a little dodgy, so in my case using a USB flash drive to store Music is a little more reliable than a network shared directory, but both approaches work. I have some frequently played music stored on the USB drive, and the rest on the network.

At the time when I first set it up, I did not have any display at all during normal use, only during configuration, and this is how I intend to always use two of the players I am planning on installing.

First setup was not completely painless because my knowledge of Arch Linux is limited, but it was definitely worth the effort.

Btw, for the price of any IR remote on ebay ($5 and up), plus a 3-pin IR receiver, you can add some basic local control over play/pause/stop, skip, and volume up/down, so you do not have to drain a phone battery as much.

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby MuseChaser » 30 Apr 2016, 20:25

Thanks for the nice reply, Pete, and for the help and encouragement, Frank. GOT IT!!! Once I figured it out, I felt really, REALLY stupid, but I'll share it in case someone else is wrestling with the same issues. Although I read the installation instructions and FAQs for RUNE, I wasn't literal enough.

I had managed, while using OSMC previously, to configure a static IP and connect wirelessly with it. Mistakenly, I guess, I figured that static IP, since it was based on the MAC address (yes?) of the internal wifi of the RPi3, would always be in effect. Once again, I booted up RUNE, navigated with my invisible mouse and hard-to-predict keyboard tab key, and managed to fill in all the correct wifi settings. Still couldn't get the interface to work or access or play anything locally. Sooooo.... <very sheepish look>... I took the thing down to my router and connected it with a cable as Frank said and as the directions say to. I'd done that before, but still couldn't get the web interface to work. This time it worked! Why, you might ask? Sheeeeesh.. I wish I could put this in REALLY small type..

I was trying to use the static ip address I had assigned. Didn't work. I accessed my router, read it's DHCP screen, and noticed that it had assigned to RUNE.. not the static ip I was trying to use. Once I used the .100 address, everything worked famously. I configured the wifi settings from there back to the static address I desired, saved those settings, confirmed that they actually WERE saved, and now the player is happily living in my loft singing away. Beautiful... just 2#$#$ beautiful!

Thanks so much for your help and patience. The web interface on the PC is incredibly fast and responsive. On my wife's aging Toshiba Android tablet, it's slow and hangs up, but it works.

Soo... good to go! I'm sure I'll have more to figure out.. I'd like to use it to access the high definition streams on europajazz and a couple other high def streaming stations, but I'll see if I can figure that out before bugging anyone.

All my best,

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby rastus » 01 May 2016, 01:28

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby PeteB » 01 May 2016, 03:37

You have not really lived until you have committed at least 4~5 hilariously wrong-headed mistakes, often compounded by a quick fix which takes you in the wrong direction... like hooking up a 1 KVA toroid backwards, or mixing up connector pins and GPIO numbers, and then enhancing the error by trying to wire around it at 2 am...

Welcome to the world of solitary do-it-yourself mayhem... :mrgreen:
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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby rastus » 01 May 2016, 04:37

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby ycat3 » 01 May 2016, 05:35

I am introducing Pi 3.
No mouse cursor after installation.
It's inconvinient for HDMI head display.
How to modify .xinitrc to show the cursor ?
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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby hondagx35 » 01 May 2016, 09:42

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Re: Headless Play of files on USB flashdrive

Postby ycat3 » 02 May 2016, 03:42

Thank you Frank
matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar yes -use_cursor yes
Now cursor shown.
Your default setting is great for touch screen.
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