HELP! Hardware Volume and Cover Art not working

Raspberry Pi related support

HELP! Hardware Volume and Cover Art not working

Postby Fredly » 17 Sep 2015, 13:54

Hello All!

First post from recent Raspberry Pi 2/HifiBerry owner Fred from Canada here.

To begin with I LOVE the current Raspberry Pi/HifiBerry DAC+ setup I recently acquired.

In my opinion, sound-wise it trumps my current modded Squeezebox Touch/Schiit DAC combo I had running, which says a lot.

The rig is running RuneAudio, which all works wonderfully, however, there are 2 small things I simply cannot get working for the life of me and would very much would like assistance with;

1) Hardware Volume Control

I have read and tried EVERYTHING to get this working and am still no father ahead. It’s very frustrating and am seeking some guidance on how best to proceed.

2) Displaying Cover Art on MPaD

I purchase MPaD to control RuneAudio via my IPad. Again it all runs beautifully, but no cover art on MPaD.

Yes, RuneAudio displays the Cover Art perfectly (thank you RuneAudio), but not MPaD

Yes, I realize MPaD requires a Web Server to run, pointing to the correct Music directory and that Artwork must be stored as a jpg (ie Folder.jpg) in the same Music directory.

Again, love the product and am SO close to getting everything working together fluidly, so if anyone would be so kind as to assist, I would be very grateful.

Fred in Canada
Posts: 2
Joined: 16 Sep 2015, 18:54

Re: HELP! Hardware Volume and Cover Art not working

Postby Fredly » 30 Sep 2015, 19:46

Well, I found a quick and dirty way to get the Album Cover work, so thought I would post it, JUST in case it helps someone else.


ssh root@ip.address.of.the.pi (In my case, it would be: ssh pi@

The password is « rune ». Now you can control your player’s OS!

« /var/www/ » folder is RuneAudio’s HTTP server’s root folder. This means, for instance, that « runeaudio.local/folder/image.jpg » displays the image called « image.jpg » in the « /var/www/folder/ » folder.

We will thus create a subfolder that gathers all the album’s cover. Since these pictures are already stored in every album’s folder, we just need to add a soft link (or shortcut) of the music folder to the « www » folder

Type on Pi (SSH):
ln -s /mnt/MPD /var/www/covers

On Mpod, we only need to specify the folder’s URL in the settings:
•Click on « Advanced » in the configured players section
•Select « Local Cover Art » (I also disabled Amazon & co’s covers)
•Set the URL: http://runeaudio.local/covers (or:
•Set the cover Filename: [Your picture name] (e.g: folder.jpg)
•Save and restart Mpod

If needed, in the settings of the app, you can clear the covers’ cache and reload them all.


Hope this helps!
Posts: 2
Joined: 16 Sep 2015, 18:54

Re: HELP! Hardware Volume and Cover Art not working

Postby jori » 09 Oct 2015, 10:21

And what about the hardware volume control?
did you fixed that?
Posts: 1
Joined: 09 Oct 2015, 10:06

Re: HELP! Hardware Volume and Cover Art not working

Postby BorGreiner » 08 Nov 2015, 11:13

I have the same persisting problem. Hardware volume is not working on Hifiberry DAC+, it is working on my Hifiberry AMP+.
This is Raspberry2 with all uptodate changes... Anyone found a solution to that maybe?
Posts: 36
Joined: 30 Oct 2014, 06:37

Re: HELP! Hardware Volume and Cover Art not working

Postby tml3nr » 27 Jul 2016, 14:10

Posts: 56
Joined: 02 Apr 2016, 07:43

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