by boydwilluk » 10 Feb 2016, 17:36
Hello Frank,
Success - Hardware Volume Control enabled, and nasty buzzing sound has gone.
Can I ask you a few questions:
Can you verify the 9 steps that I followed?
Are all of these steps necessary?
Is it possible to access the MPD manual edit button in Rune without having to use PuTTY and edit mpd.conf ?
(it would be much easier nor rookies like me!)
Here are the steps I followed.
1. Download the appropriate image of Rune 0.3 (the version for Pi2) and write to an SDHC card
2. Edit the config.txt file on the SDHC card (using notepad on my PC), and uncomment the lines for
3. Insert the SDHC card and power up the Pi / HiFiBerry AMP+, connected by Ethernet
4. Open an internet Browser and navigate to RuneAudio/local
5. Set up: NAS; time zone; WLAN; and enable hardware volume control and reboot
All straightforward to this point, but Hardware Volume control needs the following steps
6. Use PuTTy to log-in the the Pi - user name root, password rune
then type the following
cd /srv/http
git stash
git pull
wait until stuff happens!
7. type nano /etc/mpd.conf
scroll down and find the audio output section, and change the rpi hifiberry amp section to look like this:
audio_output {
name "snd_rpi_hifiberry_amp"
type "alsa"
device "hw:1,0"
mixer_type "hardware"
mixer_control "Master"
mixer_device "hw:1"
mixer_index "0"
auto_resample "no"
auto_format "no"
enabled "yes"
press ctrl-x to exit from the nano editor, and press Y to save the buffer to the mpd.conf file
type exit to close the PuTTY session
8. Open browser and navigate to RuneAudio (if you have closed the browser while using PuTTY, but this in not necessary)
Now look at MPD on Rune - it now shows a Manual Edit button, you can click this then scroll down and verify the changes you made using PuTTy
9. Select some music from the library, and play with Hardware Volume control enabled - no buzzing!
(There is very little audio output at volumes below 60, but the 40 steps from 60 to 100 are fine for me.)