HiFiBerry DAC+ and Creative USB wireless transmitter

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HiFiBerry DAC+ and Creative USB wireless transmitter

Postby gianpaoloracca » 12 Jun 2015, 10:32

I'm using RuneAudio with HiFiBerry DAC+ on a Raspberry PI2 and I would like to be able to stream my music via http or some other ways.
I know I can add an http stream to the mpd configuration by hand and it should work, but with some lag, so I thought I might buy a Creative SoundBlaster Airplay transmitter , which seems to work under ubuntu linux, and add plug it via usb. Do you think the raspberry can handle the HiFiBerry and the Creative at the same time?
It seems (accordingly to this ) that even under linux ARM distro this usb device can work...
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Re: HiFiBerry DAC+ and Creative USB wireless transmitter

Postby hondagx35 » 12 Jun 2015, 12:36

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