hi everybody, I'm a complete noob and I never used linux or anything more complicated than windows 7. I have a hifiberry dac+ and switched to runeaudio from volumio because of its features (album covers, remote control, ecc). I managed to get it to work (to my surprise) but can't fix this hardware volume issue. can you please instruct me on how to do it step by step? consider the fact that when I read "access via ssh" my face looked like this
. I tried to download putty but got stuck immediately.. I wish it was easier, I can't get it to work! please help me
EDIT: I managed to access via ssh (
) using putty, to my rune IP (what is port 22 beside the IP in putty anyway??) and the default user and pass, wrote the code for the fix (I just don't know how to copy and paste in the terminal, f**k) but retrieved integer 0 error, and the refresh_ao resulted in command not found
EDIT 2: I did it, still don't know how but it works perfectly now