Hifiberry DAC+ (Looking to sell or trade)

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Hifiberry DAC+ (Looking to sell or trade)

Postby silvrr » 08 Apr 2016, 17:48

Mods - If this isn't allowed please just delete.

I have a Hifiberry DAC+ and I am looking to try a Hifiberry Digi+

I have this:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0147R ... z_bw_c_x_2

Looking for this:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01578 ... s_bw_c_x_3

I can just sell the RCA version to if someone isn't looking for a trade. I have lots of feedback on other forums to show Im not going to rip you off. Shoot me a PM of your interested.
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