Hifiberry DAC+ not listed in MPD audio output menu (NEW)

Raspberry Pi related support

Hifiberry DAC+ not listed in MPD audio output menu (NEW)

Postby Remmy » 04 Jul 2016, 09:08


I have a similar problem as the one described here :
But the solution which was presented in the previous topic does not work for me.

Similarity :
Runeaudio works well, but the HifiBerry DAC+ is not listed in the MPD audio output menu.
I have a Raspberry 2, a HifiBerry DAC+ Pro, and V0.4 for RuneAudio (RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321_2GB)

Difference :
"I²S kernel modules" item gives me no choice and says "Enable I²S output by selecting one of the available sets of modules (in this version you have to edit /boot/config.txt), specific for each hardware. Once set, the output interface will appear in the MPD configuration select menu, and modules will also auto-load from the next reboot. "

I don't know how to edit this file (From a Mac) and what to put in it if I happen to be able to edit it.
Or is there another solution ?

Can someone here help me please ?
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Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 18:38

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