Hifiberry Dac+ Pro

Raspberry Pi related support

Hifiberry Dac+ Pro

Postby hanslangen » 13 Aug 2016, 12:51

Good day,

I installed runeaudio (RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321_2GB.img) on a new Raspberry Pi3 with HifiBerry Dac+ Pro.

Rune audio is running fine but I can't select the Dac+ Pro in the menu. It only shows HDMI and analog.

Is there a step-by-step guide to solve this issue?

I like computers and am willing to do some adjustments, but I am not an expert or a code-specialist. It's the audio-part of rune audio I am interested in. :-)

Thank you for your support!

Installation of volumio worked smooth via the Hifiberry-Installer. I would prefer runeaudio because there are more options regarding search-functions etc.
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Re: Hifiberry Dac+ Pro

Postby hondagx35 » 13 Aug 2016, 16:34

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Re: Hifiberry Dac+ Pro

Postby hanslangen » 13 Aug 2016, 19:53

Thank you for your fast reply.

I edited the file with notepad in my Macbook. Works fine.

Is there a difference between the Dac+ and the Dac+ pro?
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Re: Hifiberry Dac+ Pro

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Aug 2016, 01:50

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