HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby Cloth Ears » 25 Oct 2015, 19:12

I have just purchased an RPi2 Model B and a HiFiBerry Digi+ board. I'm using the RCA out on the Digi+ and that should support 192/24 audio, but files of this type will not play correctly,though files with lower sampling rates play just fine. What's the experience of other with 192 kHz sampling and 24 bit depth?

I notice that there is no option for:


in /boot/config.txt

Might the lack of specific support for the Digi+ board be the basis of the problem?

Cloth Ears
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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby hondagx35 » 25 Oct 2015, 23:05

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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby Cloth Ears » 26 Oct 2015, 09:41

Thanks for the explanation Frank.

The audio files (.flac format) are on a NAS. They play correctly from the same NAS with my Simple Audio Roomplayer+ streaming music player using the same Ethernet cable and coaxial cable into my AV amp. As far as I can see, the problem is with the RuneAudio setup or the hardware.
Cloth Ears
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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby Cloth Ears » 27 Oct 2015, 16:29

I have carried out some further analyses. Accessing the same media files from a USB drive made no difference to playing 192/24 .flac files, so that rules out slow streaming of the media over Ethernet. I used PuTTY to ssh into the RPi and run the top command while playing 192/24 files. The mpd process was topping out at just 14% of CPU, so that says that it's not a lack of processing grunt.

Probably a software bug which will hopefully be fixed in version 0.4.
Cloth Ears
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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby Cloth Ears » 01 Nov 2015, 15:12

If I listen to the output of 24/196 files on headphones they play correctly. The problem appears to lie solely with output through the Digi+ board. Any thoughts anybody?
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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby Grundgütiger » 28 Nov 2015, 12:31

My suggestion is that Hans Beekhuyzen used the Transformer version of the Digi+ board. He mentioned that he payed 35 Euros which - as for today - is the price for that version. From HiFiBerry's web site: "The output transformer provides a full galvanic isolation between the Raspberry Pi and your DAC on the electrical output". This would explain the difference between the optical and the electric outputs Hans mentioned in his video.

Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby Cloth Ears » 29 Nov 2015, 14:27

Cloth Ears
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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby HansBeekhuyzen » 24 Apr 2016, 16:11

hey guys, why didn't you ask? On YouTube, Facebook, Google+, Twitter or the contact page on my site? I indeed used. I more or less covered this in another thread on this forum. See: post13950.html#p13950
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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby mrcarrotcake » 03 Aug 2016, 23:06

These seem to be out of stock. In fact the more expensive one doesnt even link properly on the website.
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Re: HiFiBerry Digi+ Works Best on RCA...!

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Aug 2016, 23:18

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