High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

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High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby robertinjo » 10 Jan 2015, 17:16

there is unusually high CPU usage of the RuneAudio web browser UI.
30% and my laptop gets pretty warm and sucks the battery much quicker.
I use Mac OS X 10.10.1 and latest Safari on MBP 2010 i5 CPU, and no other problems whatsoever...

Later on, by examining the problem I found out that high CPU usage starts with streaming internet radio stations and jamando. The problem is even worse when discrete GPU kicks in...
Usually normal consumption is between 1 and 6 %, playing local files...
When streaming from internet it is about 30%.

I am not sure what difference does it make to the browser with GUI whether RuneAudio is playing local or streaming, real job is handled by the Raspberry Pi anyway!

Any ideas on what could be the problem...?
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Re: High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby ACX » 11 Jan 2015, 03:51

Uhm that's both interesting and anomalous!

Apparently this makes no sense, as there shouldn't be any difference in load on cliend side while playing different types of media on the player. The UI only shows the updates and it's completely event-driven, and does not generate any load in normal conditions. For example I have an average load of 0,5% on my laptop with Intel i7 CPU.

Maybe you have one or more extensions installed in Safary that could generate the issue?
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Re: High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby robertinjo » 12 Jan 2015, 02:37

I'll try to investigate further into that matter.
In the meantime I found out that Volumio has the same problem, with even higher CPU usage of about 55%!?
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Re: High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby robertinjo » 14 Jan 2015, 00:45

So, I tried it on various browsers (Safari, FF, Opera) and a different computer and the problem is still the same.
When runeaudio.local is in active tab and RPi is streaming internet radio station CPU jumps to 30-40%.
It doesn't matter if browser is in the front, just that rune is in the last active tab.
When I click on some other tab in the browser everything is back to normal, click on rune tab CPU jumps up.

Anyone else...??
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Re: High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby ACX » 14 Jan 2015, 12:19

I'm unable to replicate the issue on Windows, Linux and Android with various browsers. Could you do that on other hardware/OS?
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Re: High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby robertinjo » 15 Jan 2015, 01:45

Ok, I'll visit some friends with PCs this weekend and try it there...
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Re: High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby robertinjo » 18 Jan 2015, 00:15

...the story continues.
I tried it some more on Windows 7 machine with Firefox and there is also a problem.
Let's look at it in detail...
High CPU usage manifest itself when I use an internet radio station and I found out that it does so whenever, after activating some web stream, I get that progress circle running in play section of UI. Sometimes it does not activates itself (circle stays greyed out, not running) and everything is OK...

So, when do I get a running circle with internet radio?
I found that I get it by double clicking a station inside Library > My Webradios / Jamendo / Dirble.

If I do it inside my Queue or by fwd, bck and play controls on top of the window, everything is fine.

I hope this helps in identifying a problem...
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Re: High CPU usage of UI in a web browser

Postby ACX » 18 Jan 2015, 17:41

Anybody else with the same issue? I'm unable to replicate it in my setups...
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