How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi2

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How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi2

Postby christo4 » 22 Apr 2015, 17:25

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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby bevlar » 23 Apr 2015, 00:33

Hi Christo. I'm 99% sure that it was the powered hub that solved your issue.

Here's my reasoning:

1. You had no issues playing local files. This proves that your DAC hat and rune installation are both fine.

2. The DAC draws power from your pi not an external power supply. This meant that you had a WiFi adapter, DAC and thumb stick all powered from the pi. Combined they require more current than the pi can provide. This also explains why lowing the volume in alsamixer improved the problem, lower volumes require less current. The same applies for the original WiFi adapter, it probably requires less current to operate.

3. Experience, I have a creative sound blaster x-fi USB DAC that I cannot use with my WiFi adapter without a hub. If I try to play music from Spotify or a network share I experienced similar problems as you, possibly worse as my runeui session would disconnect and it was hit or miss whether it would reconnect when I refreshed.

If you have a spare SD card, flash runeaudio and try streaming Spotify with the original components connected via the hub and no other changes.

Edit: corrected a few words.
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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby christo4 » 23 Apr 2015, 01:56

Bevlar, that makes sense, and I do think the USB hub is important. However, the hub alone did not completely solve the problem for me. I forgot to mention that I also experimented with using the WiFi dongle on the powered USB hub, but that did not make as much of a difference. I also forgot to add in my post that at some point I switched from a Sandisk class 4, 16 GB micro SD card to a Samsung class 6, 8 GB card. That seemed to help too. Anyway, the issue was not completely solved for me until I adjusted the ALSA settings and the WiFi priority.
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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby tmilovan » 27 Mar 2016, 17:18

The solution for this kind of problems is usually just to turn the caching on and write it to ram disk like it is stated here:

If this is for some reason not feasible try to set the cache_path to point to some fast mount on your system.

Hope this helps someone :)
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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby hondagx35 » 27 Mar 2016, 21:20

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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby tmilovan » 23 Apr 2016, 11:03

Aw nice :). Glad it helped :).
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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby rastus » 25 Apr 2016, 04:41

Need to check the USB hub's power supply, 5V 2A+... I went for 5V 4A after trying a few of lower Amps. Made a difference when using a wifi dongle, USB HDD and USB flash drive at the same time.... it even powers the Pi at the same time as those three items.
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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby dernew » 21 Dec 2016, 19:44

I get exactly the same issue as described at the top of this thread. Spotify stutters at random with breaks from a few seconds to several minutes. Web radio on MPD is generally fine and in use for most of the day. I have a simple set-up, just a Pi and some active Speakers , no DAC yet until this issue is solved. I've tried everything in this thread and others. i.e. power supply check, network check, switching-off logging in spotify, checking the cache etc. I had a ssh connection running with 'top' to monitor the pi and the processors and memory are all at a low use level and during a pause there is no significant change . I eliminated wifi and connected directly to my router via ethernet, same issue. I have switched from a Pi2 where the problem was first encountered and done a fresh build with a Pi3 [albeit with the same version of Runeaudio
RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321] with a different power supply and different connection point. Same issue. Both Pi's used [different] class 10 sd cards which I checked for i/o errors before flashing. I've had issues with corrupt sd cards in the past with other Pi applications.
So I'm guessing the issue is to do with cache or I/O but it is beyond my skills and have spent many hours puzzling over it.
Spotify itself runs fine when I run the native application from a PC.

Runeaudio is such a good platform, it has transformed my listening and that's why I added a spotify subscription ! :D

Anyway any advice or insight greatly appreciated.

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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby christo4 » 23 Dec 2016, 23:11

I recently upgraded my Internet bandwidth from 1.5MB to 7MB over DSL, and no longer experience any issues. I now think that the stuttering had something to do with my Internet seed, even though Spotify would play just fine through PC or on my phone (wifi) with the lower bandwidth. I think for some reason the Pi needed a more constant stream of higher bandwidth internet. What's your connection seed?
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Re: How I got Spotify to stream without stuttering on my Rpi

Postby dernew » 17 Jan 2017, 14:32

Agree that the Pi seems to need a good and consistent connection speed.
I am lucky to have a hi speed broadband connection, it typically gives 50Mb/s download speed. So I m doubtful that is to blame, although more people using video download causes the class of service on these links to get time sliced I believe. So not impossible.
Spotify is still causing issues and is not really usable on any either a Pi 2 or a Pi 3, Due to the long pauses in playback :? . Just trying it again as I type on a Pi3 and it has played 3 tracks without a gap and then a gap of 3 minutes before it plays again. Played for 4 minutes then another long pause of about a minute.
I've also gone away leaving it playing for several hours and have had to restart the Pi since it becomes unresponsive. Real shame.
System in use most of the day for web radio.

I'm surprised if I am the only one having this issue?
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