How is everybody? Many new projects?

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How is everybody? Many new projects?

Postby irishwill2008 » 05 Apr 2018, 09:11

Hey guys!

This is just a simple communication/discussion post.. Hows everybody after the easter break? Many easter eggs i hope xD

Anyone working on anything cool?

Me personally, i had a great easter break! Didnt get up to much but had a nice relaxing break :D.

As for projects, i dont have anything exciting! Might start some work on a remote support client. <-- A bit like teamviewer or ISL. But of course, a cheap effective way seeing as them companys are very costly with such restriction that its just crazy!!

Anyway, what about you guys?
Love to hear storys, projects in the making, or just plain gossip! :D (Just a bring you back to reality post:))
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Joined: 26 Jul 2016, 14:49
Location: Ireland

Re: How is everybody? Many new projects?

Postby LeighP » 11 Apr 2018, 20:33

My recent project (cased Rune Audio system) is working well.

Main project is now sorting albums to listen to.

Also wondering what the hell to do with 600 CDs in a large carry case from my DJing era that are no longer used. The majority of DJs are now 'laptop based' so I doubt anybody would want them. - the new place for rAudio.
Posts: 96
Joined: 27 Jan 2018, 10:27
Location: United Kingdom

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