how to add a command at startup

Raspberry Pi related support

how to add a command at startup

Postby maxsubs » 21 Oct 2020, 20:11


I installed rclone in RuneAudio and can mount my drive with it. I'm looking now for a way to run the command to mount it every time I start up RuneAudio. Normally I'd add `@reboot COMMAND` in `crontab -e` but for some reason I can't access crontab through ssh using Putty. Any way to add something at startup in RuneAudio? I'm noob in linux so please help. It's a pain having to run the command in putty in a pc everytime I run RuneAudio. Systemd I know it'd be another way but I have no idea and it's more difficult, so I'd prefer to use crontab, how can I access it?
Running RuneAudio0,4
Thanks in advance
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Joined: 20 Oct 2020, 14:30

Re: how to add a command at startup

Postby R101 » 21 Oct 2020, 20:31


I don't know, but it sounds as if /boot/cmdline.txt might be worth looking at.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Joined: 29 Apr 2016, 16:16

Re: how to add a command at startup

Postby maxsubs » 21 Oct 2020, 21:07

thanks! but I don't know what that file exactly is for, I wouldn't like to mess things up
Posts: 8
Joined: 20 Oct 2020, 14:30

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