how to install Spotify?

Raspberry Pi related support

how to install Spotify?

Postby oosman » 21 Jun 2022, 17:15

I run runeaudio on a raspberry pi 3. No DAC or so attached for the moment.

I want to integrate spotify in my sources.
In the settings page, I try to set the 'on' button in the spotify section.
It isn't the same colour blue as the selected buttons in the other sections.
I have set my spotify- username and password. I'm sure it are the right ones, as I'm sure I have spotify premium.

In the sources section, I can click the spotify-section.
If I click the library button I get a screen with 'favorites', but I don't see any spotify playlists.

So, I'm missing some point...
Posts: 1
Joined: 21 Jun 2022, 17:11

Re: how to install Spotify?

Postby jameslarry » 04 May 2023, 08:39

To play your local playlists in Spotify, click the Settings icon and enable the toggle next to Show Local Files. Then, select the Add a source button to add your local songs and playlists.

Posts: 1
Joined: 04 May 2023, 08:32

Re: how to install Spotify?

Postby Tallay » 25 May 2023, 08:05

Posts: 2
Joined: 25 May 2023, 08:02

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