How to play an album?

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How to play an album?

Postby fchixon » 10 Oct 2019, 17:36

If I navigate into an album, I expect the next track to play after I click the track to play. I don't have to add it to a queue first (on all other players). I have single play turned off, random is off, and repeat is off too. Is this a misfeature or just my lack of clicking the right thing? Running the 2018 version and DB is fully up to date to my Synology NAS.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2019, 17:10

Re: How to play an album?

Postby fchixon » 10 Oct 2019, 18:43

Figured it out but still sort of goofy.

Goofy way to play an album by navigating and adding the album folder from a higher level. Seems like all other audio players play the next song in the list if you click one above it. I understand it is following my order to play just the song I clicked on. I am mostly album oriented and probably music collector types have things as albums vs lots of tracks by an artist in the case of a remix type of collection. I don't always want to have to select tracks to play.

If I have two versions of an album (or 3 sometimes (different resolution, format, etc)) then I would have to navigate in and just select those songs. Other systems (BluOS( organizes the tracks in resolution order), iTunes, just a mess of tracks with the same track number in order).

Perhaps make it more apparent by having a play album tag instead of a click way over on the left side.

Personal preferences vs a simple play the next song in the list option.

Sometimes I go in to the album to see which version of the album it is before I play it, then I have to back out to play the whole thing or shift select and add to queue.

At least I figured it out.
Posts: 4
Joined: 10 Oct 2019, 17:10

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