Thank you very much for your reply ACX. I have tried several times to open the RuneAudio application using my IP Address (, but it was only half satisfactory because I could see the Player's page with an information in the middle: "MPD-Empty queue, add some music!" and when I tried to open the MPD item or any item of the MENU (upper right corner) the screen presents the "Connecting..." icon, but it really doesn´t connect to anything and freezes. It stays like that, locked up, until the page is manually forced to close. So, I thought I better use another way to get into the configuration mode and not wirelessly. It seems that:
1. Rune Audio didn't get the IP address automatically when it booted on the device for the first time;
2. At present the interface RuneUI doesn't allow any settings or changes through the configuration menu.
I think I have to uninstall RuneAudio from the SD card. Is there a way of doing it safely? At present I can't do anything else with my Raspberry Pi because I can't make that first screen go off! Thanks in advance.