Hi, I am building a media streamer based around a Raspberry Pi (Model B) and RuneAudio and part of the project involves having a hardware button to startup, shutdown & reboot the system. To perform this I am using the ATXRasPi (). However this requires a script to run at startup which monitors two of the GPIO pins which the ATXRasPi board is connected to. The script setup provided by the board manufacturer is written to run under Raspbien and is run from the 'rc.local' file.
No it appears that ArchLinux (which RuneAudio is based on) does not support 'rc.local' so even though I have the script installed and the setup file has created the 'rc.local' file the script is not being run at boot time.
Basically, what I want to know is how do I go about running the script at boot. I currently have the script file 'shutdowncheck.sh' in the /etc folder and if I ssh into the system and run 'bash /etc/shutdowncheck.sh' the script runs and the hardware power button performs as it should. Obviously I am logged in as root so the script is being excecuted with elevated priveledges and so because the script is performing shutdown and reboot commands when the script is excecuted at boot it would also need to be excecuted as root.
If anyone could help with this I would be grateful.
Many thanks