I introduce myself

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I introduce myself

Postby dax » 25 Dec 2014, 02:54

Hi all,
my name is Daniele, and my job are web developer and computer technician. I was attracted from this project for "joke" with my friend: "it would be fantastic have a PC in car and control it with smartphone!!!".. and.. with Rune it's possible easily :)

I really congratulate with all the people that has worked/working into the project, this is a wonderful!

My experience:
- I've connected the audio output of Raspberry in the AUX in my car
- I've installed RuneAudio
- I've enabled the r8188eu kernel module to can use my wlan0
- I've made a script that invoke the starting of wpa_supplicant automatically on boot
- I've turned ON the AccessPoint mode into my smartphone
..and with this simple trick, I have the control of this machine with wi-fi and that's have contextually internet connection.

Maybe this can be a "spartan" solution, but my first feedback was really positive!

In the future, I take a look how I can give my little support at this project :)

I greet the whole community!! byee
Posts: 1
Joined: 25 Dec 2014, 01:44

Re: I introduce myself

Postby ACX » 25 Dec 2014, 16:26

Hi Daniele, glad to see that RuneAudio works well for your needs :)

If you are a web developer, you come here at the right time: we are about to do a mayor rework of the backend in a modern, modular and restful architecture. If you want to contribute in some way please contact me at acx [at] runeaudio.com.
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Re: I introduce myself

Postby 4thseason » 26 Jan 2015, 20:31

Hey Daniele..

I'm Brian I just finally joined so that I could crucially participate in discussions instead of just lurking..

Love that you installed in a vehicle and that was my initial intention. I have recently purchased 3 Raspberry Pi's 2 for home and 3rd to experiment in vehicle if needed. I also just finally received my Cubox-i Pro that was initially planned as my vehicle player but It came DOA and I have to RMA it and I'm not sure how long that takes it took like 3 months after I ordered though in their defense it was still technically in pre-production when I ordered it..

I followed your thread so that I could follow your continuing experience as you progress and if your system evolves or changes. I understand your system and mine will vary and yours is linked directly to your current factory audio system and I am kinda gutting mine and building outside the factory fiber optic MOST system....I'm also started a new thread for my vehicle related Rune system as it evolves. Hope that I can keep up and learn from your install.

Thanks again for sharing this.


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Joined: 26 Jan 2015, 19:13

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