I want to help but don't know how ))

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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby ACX » 16 Jan 2015, 20:17

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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby bastienauneau » 24 Feb 2015, 01:12

Well, I finally found some time to check it out
I've set another runeaudio in parallel to my hi-fi, then I have a full dev system
I've replaced the www with git version of it, as said in the post

First, the UI "playback" is 'broken', meaning things are not aligned properly (see the attached screenshot
Screenshot.png (104.47 KiB) Viewed 7744 times
Note that on the very same browser, another runeaudio v0.3 (production, not dev) is working fine

Second, I did not managed to set up the wifi using RuneUI
But that was the occasin to learn some arch stuff, like ip link, ip addr, wifi-menu and netctl

Is it supposed to work, and there's something wrong with my setup ? Or there's some work there, and I can try to understand/fix this ?
My final aim is still to work on hotspot settings, if no-one else did it already
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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby ACX » 24 Feb 2015, 03:36

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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby bastienauneau » 24 Feb 2015, 12:34

just did clear cache, as explained here:
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/ho ... efox-cache
But it still show the same "kind of shifted" GUI

What about th wifi config status ? and hotspot ?
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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby bastienauneau » 24 Feb 2015, 12:41

same with chrome
Screenshot2.png (75.84 KiB) Viewed 7739 times

My system is :
RuneOs: 0.3-beta (build 20141029)
RuneUI: 1.3
Hw-env: RaspberryPi

current www replaced by :
git clone -b dev https://github.com/RuneAudio/RuneUI.git/ /var/www

archlinux updated to latest : pacman -Syu
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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby ACX » 24 Feb 2015, 12:48

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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby bastienauneau » 24 Feb 2015, 12:52

looks like we got the same idea
clearing OPcache did not help
disabling the OPcache made RuneUI behaving weird

restarting and trying more in this direction

runeUI says : the loading layer (spinning arrow) points to a socket arrow
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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby bastienauneau » 24 Feb 2015, 15:20

Strange things happened, until I redone the flash, the update and git clone
And ... restarted properly before playing around with cache

So that was it, my bad
Getting back to trying to compile mpd with soundcloud
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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby ACX » 24 Feb 2015, 15:42

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Re: I want to help but don't know how ))

Postby bastienauneau » 24 Feb 2015, 15:54

I've started to work on compiling mpd with soundcloud
./configure works fine, after installing some dependencies

I'm now checking that all options look OK, before adding soundcloud, and compile
for Storage support, SMB is disabled, but when looking at runeaudio 0.3, production, using
mpd -V
I don't see SMB either
Is that because you mount SMB share locally, and then access it with ocal mounted ath only ?

Also, trying to install SMB, with pacman -S samba, I get

:: samba and samba-rune are in conflict. Remove samba-rune? [y/N]
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: samba and samba-rune are in conflict

I move on, as I think this is not blocking, but that would be great to get some explanations
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