I2C LCD with Pi3

Raspberry Pi related support

I2C LCD with Pi3

Postby luisleonardo » 21 Apr 2016, 15:35

I have tried every single tutorial and example that I can find to drive my 16x2 LCD with I2C connection but without success.

The problem must be related to something that I'm missing on RuneOS as none of the scripts I found was able to drive the LCD.

I must be missing something. Can someone help me?

A quick description of the Hardware:
- Adafruit "RGB backlight negative LCD 16x2 "
- Raspberry 3

And a quick description of what I found so far:
- I2C and LCD should be ok cause they work with an Arduino
- The address (0x20) appears on i2cdetect so there's communication
- WiringPi should be also OK because I'm using it with on other GPIO ports

This night I'll start from a fresh image and I'll post a log of what I've done and what happened so far.
If someone have some sort of tutorial I'll be very glad to try it.
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