Ian Jin I2S FIFO Buffer?

Raspberry Pi related support

Ian Jin I2S FIFO Buffer?

Postby Discovery » 06 Dec 2015, 11:08

Hi All,

I use a Hifiberry Digi+ with transformer on my RPi2. It's good and excellent value for money but I feel I'd like to spend a bit more to do an even better job in this vital area of signal processing. My quest has helped me discover Ian Jin's remarkable I2S FIFO buffer for the Raspberry Pi. This is supplied as a finished and tested kit of three finished PCBs which would require housing in a case.

The modification takes the I2S output, buffers it and re-clocks it in a discrete board using high-quality dual clocks. This isolates the digital signal from the lower grade clocking on the Pi and presents a much more accurately and uniformly timed output to the DAC, thus greatly reducing jitter.

Listening reviews, whilst scarce, appear very favourable, describing greater detail and clarity, and a deeper and wider soundstage.

Does anyone have any direct or indirect experience that they could share?


Last edited by Discovery on 25 Dec 2015, 16:26, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Cambridgeshire, UK

Re: Ian Yin I2S FIFO Buffer?

Postby FrankFinney » 18 Dec 2015, 16:45

Can you please share the specifications for all of your hardware?
What interface you are using for the communication of devices?
Also what are the firmware requirements for it?
Specially i want to know the specifications for the Transformer and the FiFO Buffer.

Last edited by FrankFinney on 12 Aug 2021, 22:16, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ian Jin I2S FIFO Buffer?

Postby Discovery » 19 Dec 2015, 16:36

Hi Frank,

My original post was to find out more information. I do not own the FIFO buffer (Google 'Ian Jin FIFO buffer' to find out more).

I have since had a discussion with John Westlake, designer of my DAC - the Audiolab M-DAC. John's advice is that the asynchronous USB port will yield the best result. John has a new crowd-funded product in development nicknamed 'Detox' which will improve this (John had a look at what the USB Regen - and similar products - were doing, realised there was a better way to do it so has designed the Detox).

So, in conclusion, I don't use the external FIFO board approach because the person who knows best about my equipment advised against it.


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Joined: 06 May 2015, 08:22
Location: Cambridgeshire, UK

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