by DustySeven » 23 Mar 2016, 14:39
I have small update for the project. I have the drive the gutted and starting to dry fit the parts inside. I did come across one cool thing, the power board from the drive has a 12volt and 5volt rail that I can use to power the internals as well as let keep the fan in the case operational. I know that the pi and HDD do not put out that much heat, but having a cooling fan will help considering the proximity of the components inside. I have decided that due to tight funds I am going to have to split my original plan into 2 projects. I am going to get all the hardware done and working and then latter on do finishing work such as case painting and re-badgeing the case. I am currently pushing all my music files to the PiDrive this morning and after that is done I shall get some pictures of the dry fit.
Frank, its a honor to see I have caught you eye on this project. I have seen your posts and work in the forums, I hope my little project lives up to my plan.