Interesting RUNE Box

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Interesting RUNE Box

Postby DustySeven » 22 Mar 2016, 00:16

Been a long time since I have been here, but I am back. I am working on putting together a new setup for my RA box. I am taking the case of a Xbox 360 HD DVD drive to house a RPi 2 and a 1tb PiDrive from WD. My plan is to have more compact setup that not look out of place in my media center. I will post pictures as I get progress done.
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Joined: 10 Jun 2014, 02:18

Re: Interesting RUNE Box

Postby hondagx35 » 23 Mar 2016, 00:10

Hi DustySeven,

i'm very interested in your work and the WD hdd.
Please let us follow your build.

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Re: Interesting RUNE Box

Postby DustySeven » 23 Mar 2016, 14:39

I have small update for the project. I have the drive the gutted and starting to dry fit the parts inside. I did come across one cool thing, the power board from the drive has a 12volt and 5volt rail that I can use to power the internals as well as let keep the fan in the case operational. I know that the pi and HDD do not put out that much heat, but having a cooling fan will help considering the proximity of the components inside. I have decided that due to tight funds I am going to have to split my original plan into 2 projects. I am going to get all the hardware done and working and then latter on do finishing work such as case painting and re-badgeing the case. I am currently pushing all my music files to the PiDrive this morning and after that is done I shall get some pictures of the dry fit.

Frank, its a honor to see I have caught you eye on this project. I have seen your posts and work in the forums, I hope my little project lives up to my plan.
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Re: Interesting RUNE Box

Postby DustySeven » 09 Apr 2016, 22:19

Update on this project. Trying to figure out to place the raspi and the WD PiDrive inside the case that is secure yet also allows future upgrades. I have been playing around with wiring ideas in my head and believe I come up with a plan that works well. The wiring will be a little crazy to do as I want to have a downstream usb port on the rear of the case that goes to the PiDrive so that i can access the drive for data management from a another computer without taking the entire case apart. This means I will have to do some interesting wire management to the usb to the PiDrive as well as to the power of the pi itself. I already plan on having to add switches to the case for power management since I plan to leave the power supply plugged in. I hope to have things figured out to where i can start the work and get photos. As of now I have done some testing with the system and I am happy with the PiDrive so far. The only thing I do not like about the PiDrive is the special cable it comes with. The cable plugs into the drive via a USB3.0 micro connector and splits to usb2.0 micro to power the pi and usb 3.0 type a connector for data. The last part is my issue, the length on the data portion of the cable. its a little to short for my taste and bends in a way I do not like. I am looking into a way to hopefully fix this or mitigate any issues with this. I hope to be more consistent on my updates on this.
Posts: 22
Joined: 10 Jun 2014, 02:18

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