Introduce myself

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Introduce myself

Postby 4thseason » 26 Jan 2015, 20:38

Hey all

I'm Brian just wanted to introduce myself so I could interact in the discussion and share instead of just lurking and hoping t learn through others experience.

My goals are to use the 3 rasp pi's to experiment with rune one being for my car system if the Cubox-i Pro which I also purchased doesn't work out.

I'm just learning how to install Rune on the pi and am trying to learn and troubleshoot potential issues prior to mounting in car since it's easier to test on the bench than continually be ripping out and installing parts in car.

Thanks all and I hope I can share as I learn and add some value to the forum,,


Posts: 4
Joined: 26 Jan 2015, 19:13

Re: Introduce myself

Postby ACX » 27 Jan 2015, 01:04

Hi Brian,
welcome to this community, I hope you can find help from users and also give it back when the time comes :)
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Re: Introduce myself

Postby 4thseason » 27 Jan 2015, 20:35

Thanks for welcoming me to the fold Andrea. Wanted to also thank you for your your work and say that imho the use for apps like this are paving the way for completely different ways to look at accessing and enjoying your music library where ever you go and the fact that with a solid platform strong software that stays ahead of the pack and just a bit of creativity you can compare if not surpass platforms costing exponentially more.

Since the day I discovered your site/software/community-

My initial goal was to put tougher a system to use in an automotive environment that was as good if not better that traditional offerings as my vehicle is probably in the top 1% of those that are impossible to upgrade in dash factory unit(disconnecting the system in a Volvo S40 with MOST disables the vehicle)

Initially I opted for just using a tablet ipad/android but ipads use itunes which I don't and android tablets have so far been proven problematic when used to stream audio out in digital form while charging and using it for other on-board apps.

I'm grateful that you took the idea of a bitperfect headless linux player and have streamlined and continue to make it more practical as well as stable. we've all seen software that was great to start but faded if not supported and kept growing.

Sorry that was a lot of babble again I hope that as I learn that I can share and provide some value..

I'll try to get over and donate asa I can access my long lost PP account I understand that projects like this don't fund themselves and small teams doing everything can be a painful thankless labor of love..And you know, we all need to eat right?


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Joined: 26 Jan 2015, 19:13

Re: Introduce myself

Postby ACX » 27 Jan 2015, 21:00

Thank you for your nice words and your will to support the project :) Every kind of contribution, even the smallest, would help to keep the quality of the project high, and thus is very appreciated.
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