iOS/Android App

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

iOS/Android App

Postby supertrogg » 23 Jan 2014, 16:39

I appreciate the efforts that have gone in to making the wonderfully clear interface and that HTML is the easiest way to display it, however, on an iPhone4 the interface is awfully cramped! Especially given that the url bar is always present in portrait orientation. In landscape it isn't too bad as the bar isn't displayed.
Perhaps an app would be better for these devices as that would give you the entire screen to play with and to also use side-swiping to different pages, such as track progress page, album art page and volume page!
The downside is you'd have two more code bases to maintain!
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Joined: 16 Jan 2014, 15:05

Re: iOS/Android App

Postby ACX » 23 Jan 2014, 20:36

We are considering the idea of embedding the RuneUI in native Android/iOS apps, but mantaining it's nature of web app (and consequently keep the same code base). That's a plus feature we want to keep for the future, when we reach a stable stage of development.
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Re: iOS/Android App

Postby bassiedt » 23 Jan 2014, 21:42

Until then, the apps mpod and mpad for iOS and mpdroid for android are working really well and out of the box.
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Joined: 18 Jan 2014, 11:19

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