Everything about Hi-Fi equipment Pi-AMP

Postby gswg » 02 Jul 2014, 17:15

Hi, thought you may like to see a picture of the pre-production Pi-AMP (

This Raspberry Pi sized Class D stereo amplifier delivers stunning audio quality - suitable for any audio project and particularly useful when combined with i2s based DACs such as the Pi-DAC with built in hardware volume control.

The Pi-AMP is based on the Texas Instruments TPA3118D2. We've focused exclusively on audio quality components throughout to deliver an exceptional sonic performance. It sounds fantastic - even with a simple 12v 1.5amp wall plug!

We expect to conclude the design and sign off for mass production in the coming weeks, ready for summer - at what we believe is a great price.

There's no special Linux driver or similar needed but for those who wish to enable / disable the amp from under software control this is possible via one of the Pi's GPIO.

Feedback welcome.

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Re: Pi-AMP

Postby skrodahl » 02 Jul 2014, 22:33

Hi Gordon,
The TPA31xx has been gathering quite a following lately, and it's cool to see that you'll soon be shipping your addition to that relatively small collection of amps. And such a tiny one at that.

Would it be possible for you to show some pictures and share some measurements for the RPI, Pi-AMP and Pi-DAC fully assembled? (I'm assuming that the Pi-AMP will connect to the RPi, correct me if I'm wrong.)

Does the Pi-AMP accept other input sources than the Pi-DAC?


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Re: Pi-AMP

Postby ACX » 03 Jul 2014, 00:23

Hi Gordon, great news! This is something I would suggest to a lot of friends of mine that always ask me for a small and low-cost solution without sacrifying sound quality. Do you already have a price target for it?

I'm a big fan of Class D amplifiers, as my adventure in the Hi-Fi world started because of :) I owned that little thing and I still have a DIY ampli based on TA2024 at home on my secondary setup. How does the TPA3118D2 compare to the old TA2024, beyond power?
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Re: Pi-AMP

Postby skrodahl » 03 Jul 2014, 00:48

The nice thing about these class-t/class-d amps is that they are so incredibly cheap. I just ordered a TPA3116 board on eBay, and I'm going to put it up against the TA2020.

According to several posters on dyiAudio, AudioCircle and AudioKarma, the TPA31xx series should be better than the TriPaths. I sure intend to find out if that's the case, as I think the TriPath TA2020 is simply marvelous.

TriPath has been out of business for quite a few years now, and there's been reports and rumors about counterfeit chips. If the TI amps are as good as people claim, I'm sure they will be a worthy successor.


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Re: Pi-AMP

Postby gswg » 03 Jul 2014, 20:40

Yes we have a price target. Our aim was to use great quality audio components throughout so not to sacrifice the audio quality. It's certainly not going to be stratospheric - more Pi territory.

Measurements will come, the Pi-AMP will take a 8way connection from the Pi-DAC for Audio but the Pi-AMP will accept any audio just as easily.
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Re: Pi-AMP

Postby LC1 » 14 Sep 2014, 10:56

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Re: Pi-AMP

Postby gswg » 26 Sep 2014, 13:29

Sorry Luke, looks like I crossed threads. Feels like something out of Ghostbusters!

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