IQaudIO DAC+ headphone amp - no sound

Raspberry Pi related support

IQaudIO DAC+ headphone amp - no sound

Postby leveller » 10 May 2017, 19:30

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Re: IQaudIO DAC+ headphone amp - no sound

Postby bouncingboffin » 15 Jun 2017, 11:35

I am having the exact same issue too on the same hardware. As the headphone IC should be directly connected to the DAC, I wonder if I have a faulty board. When I get a moment, I'll try the IQAudio board on a Pi3 and see if there it is a GPIO line controlling muting or some weirdness.
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Re: IQaudIO DAC+ headphone amp - no sound

Postby rawdevice » 15 Jun 2017, 15:02

mpd_configuration.jpg (93.86 KiB) Viewed 2267 times
alsamixer_web.jpg (202.79 KiB) Viewed 2268 times
alsamixer.jpg (93 KiB) Viewed 2268 times
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Re: IQaudIO DAC+ headphone amp - no sound

Postby bouncingboffin » 23 Jun 2017, 16:27

I found the problem by scoping the output from the PCM5122 to the TPA6133, as I assumed, if there was audio present on the line out then there has to be headphone out. The problem turned out to be purely mechanical, the 3.5mm socket is very cheap, the ground finger was pushed up and wasn't making contact with the headphone jack, A poke with a screwdriver and a blob of hot glue has sorted it. It's a shame the product is let down by a cheap headphone socket :(
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Re: IQaudIO DAC+ headphone amp - no sound

Postby Lodewijks » 15 Dec 2017, 20:58

Thanks for sharing. I also spend hours on thinking "what am I doing wrong". And indeed, it is only a broken socket. Not sure how to repair, as if I shuffle the plug a little it sometimes gives a sound. For the time being I use the RCA from the pi-dac+ without the headphone socket.
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